AXIS: Carnage

AXIS: Carnage

AXIS: Carnage
Name: AXIS: Carnage
Alternate Name: AXIS: Carnage 2015
Year of Release: 2015
Author: Rick Spears
Views: 7249
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How can one of the most vicious villains in the Marvel Universe ever hope to be a hero? That''s a good question – and one that will be answered in this fall''s Axis: Carnage limited series. As part of the over-arching Avengers & X-Men: Axis event, Carnage is one of the characters that will undergo “inversion” which will see them flip to be in many ways the opposite of what they once were. On the surface, the idea of Carnage becoming the opposite of the bloodthirsty threat that made even Venom looked tame may seem shocking – and it should be.

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